We encourage all participants to Bus/Luas/Cycle to the run to the Run.

The Park is very well served by public transport - you can find transport info here

Walking Time(s) to Papal Cross

Parkgate St.(30mins), Chapleziod Gate (20mins), Park Gate Street to Acres, Cabra Gate (30mins), Castleknock Gate(40mins)

Parking is very limited, please carpool and aim to arrive early.

There 3 most convenient carparks are

  • Papal Cross Carpark

  • Military Road Car Park

  • Phoenix Park Visitor Center

N.B. Once the Papal Cross Carpark is full, cars will be directed to park in the Visitor Center. THERE IS NO PARKING ALLOWED ALONG ACRES ROAD


Participants CHEcklist

The race number you had posted should be the same number on the Participant checklist.

Change and/or Transfers can be made to your club/category until 6pm Thursday 20th of June. No further changes can be made after this.

There is a €3 transfer fee. It is your responsibility to ensure the person you are transferring to is given your race bib.

Anyone found to be running under another person's name will be disqualified.

17:45 Race Number Collection
18:00 Bag Drop Open - Self Service
19:00 Assemble and WarmUp
19:20 Race Line Out
19:30 Race Start
20:15 Winners Presentation
20:45 Bag Drop Closes



If you purchased a t-shirt, it should arrive the 2nd week fo June. For BIB only, you will collect on the night.


Water will be provided at the Finish Line. We utilise Refill Ireland to minimise waste.


A self service baggage drop area will be provided. We cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to personal items. Note there will be limited cover in the area and bags will be exposed to the elements.


Pacers will be provided for 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 mins.

Dogs are not permitted to take part in the race. You are welcome to spectate with your dog and/or walk the track after once the Race Stewards indicate it is safe. Please be mindful of runners and keep dogs on leads at all times.



The Order of Malta will provide medical cover. The medical centre will be located adjacent to the start line.

BUGGYS, Wheeled DevicE

We ask that you start at the back of the race and watch out for other runner and walkers.


To reduce our environmental impact we are delighted to provide unique Pride Run giant selfie medals for photo opportunities. Group photo anyone?

Race results will be located here



You can upload your results after the race by following the instructions on the race time page.


There will be monetary prizes for 1st (€125), 2nd (€75), 3rd (€50) - across 3 categories - Male, Female, Non-binary.

There is no registration on the day.